Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy:

Information for those interestedin purchasingof products (art.13d.Lgs. 196/2003)
The personal datathatyou have providedandthatyou providein the courseof the relationship, they are treatedfor the purpose ofimplementingobligations arisingfrom thecontract of saleofwhich you arepart,as well as to fulfilrelatedobligations imposed bylaws, regulationsorCommunity legislation.
Your personal dataareprocessed foradvertising and promotional purposes,only ifyou haveexpresslypermittedin advance"by clickingon therelevant boxin theregistration form.The treatmenttakes place, evenwiththe help ofelectronic means,in accordance withdetailed arrangementsart.11d. Lgs.No.196June 30, 2003(hereafterthe law)layYourwarranty and,in General, protectingyour rights,fundamental freedomsand dignity,withparticular referenceto confidentiality andpersonalidentity.The treatmentwill take placeover a period of timenot exceedingthatnecessaryfor the fulfilmentof the abovedescribedpurposes.The personal dataYouprovidedare not communicated to third parties.
We adoptedtheminimum safety measuresfor the treatmentof your personal dataprovided for inarticles.33ss.of the law.We striveto bringthese measuresintoconformity withwhat is establishedbylaw,andsubsequent modificationsin relation to thetechnical evolutionof the sector andthe experiencegained.The provision of personal datais yourright,but itis imperativeto pursuethepurposesabovementioned.The non-submittal of datanecessarily implythe impossibility tofulfillthe obligations arisingfrom thecontract of salemay beconcluded.The data controller,and,that is,the personto whichcompetesthe decisionsin relationto the purposesandmodality of the treatmentof your personal data is Staff
Article7of the Act,below,identifiesthe rightsof whichyou arethe ownerwith regard to the processingof your personal informationaboveandthatyou have provided.
Art.7d. Lgs.No.196June 30, 2003-right of accessto personal data and other rights
The interested party has the right toobtain confirmationof the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her,even if not yet registered,and their communication in intelligible form.The interested party has the right toobtain the indication:
-the origin of the personal data;
-the purposes and methods of handling;
-the logic applied incase of treatmenteffected withthe aid of electronic instruments;
-the identityof the holder, the Responsibles andthe designated representativepursuant to article5, comma2;
-the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data maybe communicated or whomay come to know it intheir capacity as designated representativein the territory of the State, managers or agents.
The interested party has the rightto obtain:
-theupdating, rectification or, when interested,integration of data;
-thecancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking ofdata treated in violation oflaw, inclusive those of which notthe maintenance is necessary in relationshipto the purposes for which the data werecollected or subsequently processed;
-certification that theoperations as per lettersa)andb)have been brought toknowledge,also as it regards their content,of those to whom thedata were communicated or disseminated, unlessthis requirementproves impossibleor involves a manifestlydisproportionate to the protected right.
Theinterested party has the right to oppose,in whole or in part:
-for legitimate reasons, the processing ofpersonal data concerning him/her,even if pertinentto the purpose of collection;
-to the processingof personal data concerning him/herfor the purpose of sendingadvertising materials or direct selling or forcarrying out market surveysor commercial communication.
Forany informationregarding data protectionor to bedeletedfromour database, please write to
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