

Terms and conditions:

Right of withdrawal and our additional shopping rules
All rules listed in the previous forms displayed on the
web site is valid both for purchases here  web site, in Email and on various forums as Clio rs Italy, Ktm, sites like Ebay, Classifieds, Ebay and all others that are exposed for sale listings. When a buyer purchases are required to read all of our rules and regulations set out on our website .
We do not accept returns after 14 days of receipt of goods in the promotion, will not accept returns for any other goods beyond 14 days from receipt of goods.

Payments On Account
Progress payments to stop and buy merchandise on the web site
, as Clio rs forum Italy, Ktm and many others, various sales sites, in emails sent via wire transfer, PostePay recharge, PayPal, are accepted and immediately made active, these deposits are valid for a maximum of 15 days from receiving payment, over the next 20 days you will have to pay arrears of 3 euros per day and 5% of the total amount to be paid for stock storage expenses, accounting for merchandise (everything will be specific about sales), passed the 20 days the deposit will be considered null and void and withheld for damages to our concerns and bringing us lose more sales on the product itself.

Payments accepted
The bank discount on the total of 6.00 euro, Credit Cards Pos Virtual with addition of 7.00 euro for commissions, PayPal (and their credit cards) with addition of 30.00 euro for commissions.

The customer at the time of purchase is required (even without our request) to specify model vehicle or motor vehicle owned, year production (not registration), chassis number, engine type and/or spare change according to purchased, otherwise we will not accept returns


Shipping times and receiving goods from payment
From the payment actually received we will follow these timing and counting on all sales sites like Ebay, Ebay Classifieds, immediately, ads, Amazon, students on various forums as clio rs forum, Italy, Ktm and all sites where our ads will be exposed for sale. The schedule will be the following; of 1-5 business days after the receipt of payment (given the countless items can cause delays on shipments/receipts of about products 5/40 working days more). For small shipments, you will use the BRT DPD (not priority is used because no tracking). For parcels we use (according to our specs) Courier Bartolini, DHL time of arrival 2/6 working days.


Contract of sale
Sending the order to
via email or through the site, regardless of the selected payment formula, constitutes acceptance of this contract of sale without exception.

Copyright (c) 2005-2021